De Masi Alessandro

Alessandro De Masi is Full Professor for ABPR15 sector (Design Methodology) at the Carrara Academy of Fine Art after being the winner in October 2021 of the public competition for the same position in the AFAM - MIUR Institutions 2021. Currently, at the same institution, he teaches Design Methodology, Techniques of Space Representation, Multimedia Design; also teaches (Adjunct Professor)Digital Modeling Techniques (ABTEC41) at Academy of Fine Arts in Naples since 2016. Is also contest winner for Full Professor in the:

  • ABTEC41 (Techniques of Digital Modeling) sector (AFAM - MIUR Institutions 2021);
  • ABTEC38 (Digital Application for the Visual Arts) sector (AFAM – MIUR Institutions 2018).

He was adjunct professor for the following sectors:

  • ABPR15at the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice (from 2019 to 2021) and Brera Milan (2016);
  • ABPR16 (Design for the Design) at the Academy of Fine Art of Reggio Calabria (2021);
  • ABTEC38at the Academy of Fine Arts of Rome (from 2014 to 2021) and Lecce (2021);
  • ABTEC41at the Academy of Fine Arts of Lecce (2021), Brera Milan (from 2019-2021), Albertina Turin (from 2018-2021), Florence (2019), Bari (2019);
  • ICAR/17 (Drawing) at the:
  • Architecture University of Milan Polytechnic – I and II Faculty (from 2009 to 2015), Trieste (2010), Ferrara (2017), Bologna (2009), Rome III (2014), Venice (from 2010-2012), Naples Federico II (from 2002 to 2004);
  • Engineering University of Trento (from 2010 to 2012; from 2015 to 2017), Padua (2011-12);
  • Design University of Milan Polytechnic (from 2016 to 2017; from 2018 to 2020);
  • Education University of Bozen (from 2008 to 2011);
  • Letters University of Basilicata (from 2008 to 2011).

He was lecturer, taught Territory Urban-Economic Shape (2002) for the Master I Mobility Management, Italian Minister of University and Scientific Research (MIUR), Naples and Cultural Assets in Campania (2004) for the Master II Expert in Management and Economics of the Cultural Assets - LUISS Management School of Business, MIUR.

He holds a Diploma of Architect (1999) – University of Naples Federico II – Faculty of Architecture (final grade: 110/110 Magna Cum Laude), an M.A. II in Ingénierie des Projets Immobiliers (2004) – Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis - Institut des Sciences et Techniques de Valenciennes (ISTV3), Lilla (France) and a Ph.D. for the SSD ICAR/17 - Drawing - (2002) in Survey and Representation of Architecture and in the Environment from II University of Naples – Faculty of Architecture.

He have gained a significant experience on following on topics related to:

  • Management of the transformations of small urban centers;
  • Management of cultural assets and activities through the application of innovative and experimental methods of identification of the Cultural Landscape;
  • Graphic methodologies for identifying the Cultural Landscape;
  • Reverse modeling for the construction of interoperable models of analysis for the CH;
  • CH data acquisition and processing;
  • Recording CH;
  • Development of suitable applications for the technical-scientific management of historical complexes;

as architect and author of three analysis methodologies already published:

  • De-Morphogenesis / Semantic Ontology – BIM” in order to favor: Industry 4.0 and a new concept of "Smart Heritage";
  • Contaminated Representation”, which combines the fields of IT and 3D design;
  • Computational Model of Intersections Representation" based on the intersection of models of connotations, composition, development, morphogenesis, sustainability;
  • Cloud Computing Platform – BIM” for “types of representation” through the construction of “hypermedia visual models” of interpretation of the values ​​of historical reality.

In particular:

  1. From 2009 to 2013 he appointed:
  • Expert by Italian Ministry of Cultural Assets (MIBACT) for the realization of the QSN (National Development Framework) 2007-2013 – “Analysis, feasibility and sustainability studies for actions and interventions in the cultural and landscape sector”;
  • Expert on Central Institute for Cataloguing and Documentation – MIBACT – “Communication sector”.
  1. Since:
  • 2014 he is Editor-in-Chief of the IRJAP (International Research Journal of Architecture and Planning);
  • 2010 he is Editor Advisory Board (JCHMSD - Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development), Associate Editor, member of the Editorial Board, member of the Reviewer Committee of journals (class A and B) for the ANVUR area 08 (National Agency for the evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes);
  1. Since 2012 he is a member of the following international scientific and technical committees:
  • ICOMOS-ICIP (USA) - International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation of CH Sites;
  • WASET (USA) - World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology;
  • ATINER (Greece) - Athens Institute for Education and Research;
  • IEREK (Egypt)- International Institution Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange.
  1. Since 2012 he is Member of Program Committees, Scientific Committees and Review of n. 1839 international conferences established by:
  • ICOMOS-CIPA (International Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage) - (Canada);
  • EUROMED (University of Technology, Limassol - Cyprus);
  • Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development (Portugal);
  • ECLAS - European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (Netherlands);
  • REHABEND (Universidad de Cantabria, Grupo de Tecnología de la Edificación) – Spain;
  • WASET (USA) and other institutions;
  1. Since 2003 as relator at international conferences among which ICOMOS-CIPA, UNESCO Forum – University and Heritage (Spain).

Has achieved the following Fellowships / Awards:

  • 2010 - Grant at the Young Researchers Forum (YRF) 2010 - ENCATC (Belgium);
  • 2009 - Inclusion of REPORT 1 of the International Research TeamRural Vernacular Heritage” 2007-2011” - UNESCO WHC (France) in the National Research Register – Italian Government Presidency;
  • 2009 - Excellency in Italian Culture Award - Italian Ministry of Cultural Assets;
  • 2008 - Grant at the YRF 2008 - ENCATC, Lyon (France);
  • May 2007 - Start-up Processes for the Eco-Museum – Prototype PhaseFellowship,II University of Naples, Faculty of Architecture;
  • 2007 - V Interview broadcast onRAI UTILE (Italian national TV),to present the book Architettura Rurale tra Villa Literno e Carinola (Ce) – Rome, Italy
  • 2006 - Nomination at the Prize Roberto Marrana,  Banco di Napoli Foundation, Naples;
  • 2005 - Grant, research "Analisi Multicriteri@dell’architettura e dell’ambiente”, II University of Naples, Faculty of Architecture;
  • 2003 - Award recipient of Architecture for Young Architects and EngineersPrize, Ordine degli Architetti PPC of Naples;
  • 2001 - Grant, research “Le trasformazioni dell’ambiente casertano dopo i Borbone”, Funds MIUR - Cultura del Progetto Department, II University of Naples;
  • 2001 - Grant, research Analisi delle trasformazioni borboniche lungo la linea di costa Capo Miseno Fiume Garigliano: documentazione di alcuni esempi significativi, Caserta”, II University of Naples, Faculty of Architecture;

Other Grants:

  • 2021 - Grant from Ministry of Culture (MIC), General Directorate of Archives, Rome. Winner of the selection for the assignment of collaborative assignments for the architect profile;
  • From 2019 to 2021- Memorandum of Understandingbetween Municipality of Rome Capital V, Academy of Fine Arts of Rome, Prof. Arch. Alessandro De MasiRepresentation, Digitization and Enhancement of the Complex Urban Landscape Areas of Pigneto and Teano of Rome for the Knowledge, Communication and Construction of a Visual Model of both the Modification Processes and the Genius Loci”;
  • 2015- Grant from European University Center for Cultural Heritage (CUEBC) for the research:Elaboration on a pre-existing Digital Platform of a System of Documentation, Recognition and Evaluation of the Identifying Characters of the Rural Cultural Heritage of Cilento of the Vesuvian area”, appointed by Italian Ministry of Cultural Assets – MIBACT, D.I.C.E.A. Department - University of Naples Federico II;
  • 2015 - Grant from MIBACT Assignment of n. 25 cards of catalog and architectural survey of some architectural assets located in municipalities at risk natural disasters in the territory of the SBAP for the provinces of Salerno and Avellino”
  • From 2014 to 2015 - Grant: “Information System for the Management of Regional Cultural Heritage and for the use of data through application WEB GIS” from theMIBACT as “expert senior”
  • 2010- 2013 - Research and seminar activitiy - Milan Polytechnic;
  • 2009 - Grant from the Province of Caserta, the City of Falciano del Massico, the City of Carinola for the research “Rural Vernacular Heritage 2007-2011” appointed by UNESCO WHC (France);
  • 2007- Book:“Le trasformazioni dell’Ambiente Casertano dopo i Borbone”, The Province of Caserta;
  • 2006 - Book:“Architettura Rurale tra Villa Literno e Carinola (Ce), Alinea Editrice, The Province of Caserta, The City of Villa Literno, Consorzio Generale di Bonifica del Bacino Inferiore del Volturno;

He has also participated at no. 19 research projects; in particular:

  • 2013 -“Open Source Tools, Landscape and Cartography: Studies on the Cultural Heritage at Territorial Scalesponsored by ICOMOS-CIPA, School of Architecture and Geodesy, University of Alcalà - Madrid (Spain);
  • From 2007 to 2011 - Campania Felix (Italy), Cultural Landscape and Governance of Rural Environments”, sponsored byUNESCO WHC (France) - Research Team: “Rural Vernacular Heritage 2007-11”. Institutions concerned: Permanent Delegation of Italy to UNESCO, Italian National Commission for UNESCO, Universidad Politècnica de Valencia with no. 23 university partners;
  • 2012 - “Urban Management and Cultural Politics the City” - ENCATC, West University “Neofit Rilisky” Biageovegrad – Bulgaria;
  • 2005 - Research National Interest Program (PRIN) 2003-2005-The Survey of the Ecogeometric Unit Amalfitana Coast: Multicriteria Analyis for the Measure and Management of the Materials and Immaterials Resources”.

He is the author of n. 78 publications. In particular:

  1. Number 14 inherent the CH of small rural centers and among these:


  • 2006 DE MASI A., Architettura Rurale tra Villa Literno e Carinola (Ce). (vol.1). ISBN 88-8125-917- 6. Firenze: ALINEA Editrice (Italy).


  • 2010 DE MASI A., New Models of Representations and Governance of Cultural Landscapes. In Scientific Conference FLORENCE+10 LIVING LANDSCAPE "The European Landscape Convention in Research Perspective", UNISCAPE, LANDSCAPE EUROPE, European Council, University of Florence, Florence. Vol. II (pp.198-203). ISBN: 978-88-8341459-6;
  • 2006 DE MASI A., Governance of New Landscape (vol.2). In Abstract, Forum UNESCO, University and Heritage, 12th International Seminar "Historic Urban Landscapes: A new concept? A new category of World Heritage Sites?". Hanoi, The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (Vietnam).
  • 2008 DE MASI A., Campania (Italy), Cultural Landscape and Rural Environment governance. (vol.2). In World Heritage and Sustainable Development Proceedings of Heritage 2008 International Conference, Barcelos 5-7 May 2008. (pages 607- 617) ISBN: 978-989-95671-0-8 Barcelos: Green Lines Istituto, Portugal;
  • 2008 DE MASI A., Rural Architecture Heritage. In Cultural Landscape EURAU 08 Proceedings of 4° Congresso Europeo de Investigaciòn Arquitectònica y Urbana. (pp. 415- 418) ISBN: 978-84-7790-459-5 Madrid: EFCA, S.A., Spain;
  1. Number 54 concerning Advanced 3d Recording Techniques and Reality-Based Modelling of Multi-Scale for the Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Sites, Smart Cultural Heritage and Open Source as Regeneration of Historical Centers, 3D Surveying, Photo-Scanning System and Modelling, Digital Survey for Interpretation and Promotion of the Architectural Heritage

International scientific journals (class A and B) for the ANVUR area 08

  • 2021 DE MASI A., Computational Model of Intersections Representation as Apparatus of Contents Multi-scalar, Retrospective and Resilient for the research of Connotations, Simultations and Sustainability in the Landscape Assets. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., 2021, Vol. XLVI-M-1-2021: 181-188. Gottingen: Copernicus GmbH. (2021) DOI:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVI-M-1-2021-181-2021.
  • 2021 DE MASI A., Digital Documentation’s Ontology: Contemporary Digital Representation as Express and Shared Models of Regeneration and Resilience in the Platform BIM / Contaminated Hybrid Representation. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., 2021, Vol. XLVI-M-1-2021: 189-197. Gottingen: Copernicus GmbH.(2021) DOI:10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVI-M-1-2021-189-2021.
  • 2019 DE MASI A., Strategies of Digital Knowledge’s Representation: From De-Morphogenesis at MSH-BIM. Optical, Theatrical illusion and Perspective in the Neapolitan School’s Architecture Drawing. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., Voulume XLII-4/W18, 2019. ISSN 2194-9034,     
  • 2015 DE MASI A., Survey Guidelines and its Reading Criteria for Monitoring and Transmitting Cultural Heritage Values. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., Volume XL-5/W7, pp. 113-121, 2015, ISSN 2194-9034, Copernicus.

International scientific journals

  • 2010 DE MASI A., Architectural Models and Complex Geometries. In The International Journal of the Image, Los Angeles, University of California, USA, Volume 1, Number 3, Common Ground. ISSN 2154-8560

Book Chapters

  • 2018 DE MASI A., Eco Sustainable Graphic Heritage Drawing for a Contemporary Territories Learning and the creating Smart Cities. In: Ioannides M. et al. (eds) Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. EuroMed 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11197, pp. 262-270, Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-01764-4.
  • 2015 DE MASI A., From knowledge to Complex Representation_Interpretation of Material System, Survey Guidelines and Reading Criteria, Multi-Representation of 3D City Models for Cultural Heritage. In GUIDI G., SCOPIGNO R., TORRES J.C., GRAF H. (a cura di), 2015 DIGITAL HERITGAE International Congress, federating 21st Int’l VSMM e 13th Eurographics GCH, plus Special Sessions from CIPA ICOMOS/ISPRS Special Heritage Documentation Worskhop, CAA Fall Symposium, 7th Int’l Meeting Arqueológica 2.0, Archeovirtual, ICOMOS Digital Interpretation Panel, Granada, Spain, IEEE, 2015, Volume 2, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1508W-PRT, ISBN: 978-1-5090-0254-2.
  • 2015 A. DE MASI, Digital Representation Platform and Multi-Scale Representation for a Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Some UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Italy. In 8th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015), Atlanta, GA, USA, 29 March – 1 April 2015. Vol. n. 1, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, vol. 1352.
  • 2014 DE MASI A., 3D Data Acquisition and Processing Methods for a Multidisciplinary Knowledge of Some UNESCO WHS in Milan, Italy. In Documentation, Conservation and Restoration of the Architectural Heritage and Landscape Protection. Department of Architecture of the University of Florence and Technical School of Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Alinea Editrice, Florence, 2014. ISBN 978-88-6055-829-9.

Proceedings of international Conferences

  • 2020 DE MASI A., From Computational De-Morphogenesis to Contaminated Representation for the Contemporary Digital Tectonics and Lexicon. Vulnerability and Resilience of the Generative Representation in the Web-Oriented Platform – BIM/GD, Atti della Conferenza IEE BigData 2020, Volume 1, pp.1884-1893, IEEE, 10-13 dicembre 2020, Atlanta, GA, USA, DOI:10.1109/ BigData50022.2020.9377781.
  • 2020 DE MASI A., Computational Color Drawing for Heritage Urban Landscape’s Forms Representation: Visual Perception, Aesthetic Theory and Semiotic Interpretation. In Colour and Colorimetry Multidisciplinary Contributions, Vol. XVI B, Edited by Veronica Marchiafava and Marcello Picollo. Atti della XVI Conferenza del Colore, Bergamo 2020, Gruppo del Colore, Associazione Italiana Colore, pp.240-248, ISBN 978-88-99513-13-9.
  • 2020 DE MASI A., Cloud Computing Platform BIM Towards Industry 4.0: De-Morphogenesis and Semantic Ontology. In: Tommaso Empler, Adriana Caldarone, Alexandra Fusinetti (eds.) 3D MODELING & BIM Data Modeling & Management for AECO Industry, DEI, ISBN 9788849619324EB.
  • 2017 DE MASI A., Protocollo Cognitivo e Comunicativo come Codice di Lettura per la Rappresentazione e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale dei Paesaggi Urbani Storici. In Proceeding 39° Convegno Internazionale dei Docenti delle Discipline della Rappresentazione - XIV Congresso della Unione Italiana per il Disegno, Università degli Studi di Napoli, Dipartimento di Architettura, Gangemi Editore, Napoli, 2017, pp.1043-1050. ISBN 978-88-492-3507-4.
  • 2014 DE MASI A., Smart Cultural Heritage and Open Source as Regeneration of Historical Centers: Fruition, Conservation and Preservation in Current Methods of 2D/3D Digitization and 3D Modelling", BDCLOUD, 2014, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BdCloud), 2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Cloud Computing (BdCloud) 2014, Sydney, Australia, pp. 729-736, doi:10.1109/BDCloud.2014.114. ISBN 978-1-4799-6719-3.
  • 2014 DE MASI A., Advanced 3d Recording Techniques and Reality-Based Modelling of Multi-Scale for the Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Sites. In Proceedings of Heritage and Sustainable Development Proceedings of Heritage 2014 3rd International Conference. ISBN: 978-989-98013-7-0 Barcelos: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development (Portugal).
  • 2013 DE MASI A., 3D Surveying, Photo-Scanning System and Modelling Technologies for the Digital Preservation of 19th Century Milan Complex Urban Landscape. Proceedings of 35° Convegno Internazionale dei docenti della Rappresentazione “Heritage and UNESCO Sites, Memory, Measure and Harmony, Gangemi editore (pp. 373-378). ISBN 9788849227284.